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Young Sheryl English

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Welcome!   Sheryl Young English Department  *   215-944-1151 (English dept.)   Here you will find my schedule and course syllabi. 
 Stay tuned for updates in the coming days. 
I am looking forward to an enriching and fulfilling year for us all!    
2021/22 schedule:  





Honors English 9



Creative Writing/

Accel Composition





Accel. Eng.10



Honors 9


254 Accel. Eng.10
  Clinic is held in room 254 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you would like to stay another day, please see me.  

Accelerated Composition

Student Syllabus

Purpose:                   You will learn and use the resources that all writers use.  You will learn to choose your own topics through a variety of prewriting activities.  You will learn how to plan, develop, refine, and share your drafts with others.  You will discover that writing is thinking and that writing helps you to discover what you think.


Workshop:               You will process drafts of ten major papers with a small group of peers.  The purpose of this group will be to help each writer improve the draft under discussion.


Conferences:          You will have the opportunity to confer with the instructor at various stages of the writing process.


Requirements:         You will free write daily in a writer’s notebook and you will keep a writing portfolio.  Each day, you will need to be engaged in some part of the writing process at all times.  Failure to do so will result in a diminished grade.  To maintain an atmosphere conducive to writing and thinking, conferring about papers must be done in an undertone in designated areas.  All final drafts must be typed and double-spaced on writing lab computers.


Grades:                     Fifty percent of your grade for each marking period will be based on your daily work ethic and on your completion of assignments.  You will keep a daily log of your goals, accomplishments, and deadlines; your instructor will routinely review this log.  Points are lost when you fail to stay on task, complete assignments, meet deadlines or write in your writer’s notebook.


Fifty percent of your grade for each marking period will be determined by the instructor’s evaluation of two major papers will you will submit for holistic assessment.  The Pennsylvania Holistic Assessment Scale will be the criteria for the instructor’s evaluation.






Accelerated English 10
Course Objectives and Requirements:



1.     Novels


·         Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury


·         Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger


·         Independent Selection and/or The Martian (pilot)


·         Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card


2.     Plays


·         All My Sons by Arthur Miller


·         Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare


3.     Short Stories


·         Selections from Multicultural Reader and/or Reading Fiction: An Anthology of Short Stories


4.     Poetry


·        Selections from Reading Poetry: An Anthology of Poems


5.     Nonfiction


·         Selections from Engage


·         A Multicultural Reader


·         Various sources


Council Rock School District strongly encourages parents to survey the outstanding collection of challenging literature contained within our program.  Much of the content presents important and complex ideas that encourage critical thinking.  Any connection discussed in class is made that much stronger by the conversation and connections that are made at home.  We invite you to discuss any of the elements of our courses with your child’s teacher.




Vocabulary Work--Book F--25 % of each marking period


·         a new list every week and review units after each 3 units


·         a total of 15 lists (300 words)


·         computer home practice may be done at


** Students will be asked to pay for consumable vocabulary exercise workbooks. Though it is encouraged for students' comprehension and retention of material to complete the exercises in the book, this cost can be avoided if the book is returned in brand-new condition, free of any markings whatsoever. No cash, please; checks only.


Checks are payable to: CRS Activities' Fund--English


Due by ________________




·         research paper—I-Search, 25% of marking period grade (see Research Project below)


·         different pieces of varying lengths


o   short story


o   poetry


o   anecdotes


o   journals/reflection/reactions


o   informal expository essays


·         five paragraph essay—3—in class/take-home writings


o   expository—1 literature-based


o   argumentative


o   compare/contrast


optional: researched literary analysis in conjunction with class reading




Research Project


·         extended research and writing skills


·         home and class work


·         visual and oral presentation


·         graded on process and finished work


·         graduation project option*




·        grammar, usage, and mechanics work based on Holt—Complete Course


Homework and Due Date Policy


·         Homework may be turned in one day late ONLY. Any time after that is unacceptable.  When homework is turned in late, is not worth full credit. It will drop one letter grade from the highest possible score.


·         Homework is ALWAYS written on the board or whiteboard. Make a habit out of reading the board and writing assignments into your assignment book.


Required Materials


Please come prepared every day with required materials:


·         notebook, spiral bound or 3-ring binder, with sections for literature, journal writing, grammar, vocabulary, research. If spiral bound, ensure you have folders for handouts.

writing utensils, vocabulary books, literature books  

9th Grade Honors English

Course Objectives and Requirements:

1. Literature

·         Romeo and Juliet--William Shakespeare

·         The Picture of Dorian Gray--Oscar Wilde

·         To Kill a Mockingbird--Harper Lee

·         Animal Farm--George Orwell

·         Frankenstein--Mary Shelley

2. Vocabulary Work--Book E--25 % of each marking period

·         a new list every other week and review units after each 3 units

·         a total of 15 lists (300 words)

·         computer home practice may be done at

** Students will be asked to pay for consumable vocabulary exercise workbooks. Though it is encouraged for students' comprehension and retention of material to complete the exercises in the book, this cost can be avoided if the book is returned in brand-new condition, free of any markings whatsoever. No cash, please; checks only.

Checks are payable to : CRS Activities' Fund--English

Due by ________________

3. Writing

·         in-class and at-home essays

·         literary analysis

·         Journal writings

·         research paper (see next)

4. Research Project

·         introduction to correct research process and product (essay)

·         visual and oral presentation

·         graded on process and finished work

5. Grammar

·         parts of speech, sentence structure, punctuation, commonly confused words

6. Homework and Due Date Policy

·         Homework may be turned in one day late ONLY. Any time after that is unacceptable.  When homework is turned in late, is not worth full credit. It will drop one letter grade from the highest possible score.

·         Homework is ALWAYS written on the board or whiteboard. Make a habit out of reading the board and writing assignments into your assignment book.

7. Required Materials

·         Please come prepared every day with required materials:

·         notebook, spiral bound or 3-ring binder, with sections for: literature, journal writing, grammar, vocabulary, research. If spiral bound, ensure you have folders for handouts.

·         writing utensils-vocabulary books, literature books

·         Council Rock School District strongly encourages parents to survey the outstanding collection of challenging literature contained within our program. Much of the content presents important and complex ideas tht encourage critical thinking. Any connection discussed in class is made that much stronger by the conversation and connnections that are made at home. We invite you to discuss any of the elements of our courses with your child's teacher.



Publication Design    

Council Rock High School South



As a student in Publication Design, you will be one of the leaders and decision-makers of The Talon, Council Rock High School South’s yearbook. The production of the yearbook is the primary work of the course.

Yearbooks have several purposes. They document the history of the school (its students, sports, and activities) and its surrounding community. Our goal is to create an accurate historical record of the school year. In your future years, this yearbook will enable you and your peers to revisit your high school selves and remind you of what life was like back in high school. It will become a keepsake that will be enjoyed for years to come. Yearbooks promote school spirit and create a sense of belonging for every student; people feel important when they see their own pictures of names. Our goal is to take great care to ensure that the material is fair, diverse, and in good taste.

In order for our yearbook to serve all of these purposes, your dedication, cooperation, and time are needed. Although much of the work for the yearbook will be done in class, you will be required to spend considerable time working outside of class as well. All tasks must be completed and all deadlines must be met.

Course Goals

In class you will work to compose, construct, and edit all elements of computerized text layout, graphic art, and digital photography. The following skills will also be developed during the course of the year:

Computer skills                         Interviewing                Budgeting                    Time management

Photojournalism                      Journalism                   Public relations            Communication skills

Layout design                           Design                          Graphic design             Computer graphics

Research                                  Editing                         Photoshop                    Peer collaboration


Class Policies and Requirements

  • All students are expected to arrive to class on time and be ready to begin (with all materials you will need for class) as soon as the bell rings.
  • No one is to leave the classroom for any reason without permission from the teacher. If your work requires you to leave the classroom during class, you must first obtain specific verbal permission from the teacher and sign out in the class log. If you do not have YOUR pass, you may not leave the classroom for any reason. Violating these rules will result in the loss of these privileges, and your pass may be revokes.
  • Food and drinks are not allowed in the classroom.
  • All photographs are the property of Council Rock High School South and should not be downloaded for personal use. You should not show any yearbook photographs to anyone who is not on our staff. You should not make or save copies of our photos for yourself or anyone else without the teacher’s specific permission. You will have an opportunity to save some of the photos at the end of the year, if you want one in particular, but we do not take photos for you or your friends; we take photos for the yearbook. It’s about the entire student body of South.
  • The yearbook is the project of all staff members and deadlines are not met until all staff members have finished their work. If you have finished your pages early for a specific deadline, it is your responsibility to help those staff member who have not yet met their deadlines.
  • Due to the nature of publishing deadlines, staff members who miss deadlines receive a ZERO. Late work will not be accepted. We cannot miss deadlines.
  • Each staff member will have many. Other assignments to complete in addition to work on yearbook pages.
  • It is expected that you will be productively engaged in yearbook work during EACH class period. Put cell phones away during class; their use is prohibited. Computers are to be used only for work related to publication design. You will receive a participation grade. Being on time and on task are the keys to earning all possible participation points.
  • When independent work on pages begins, you will be asked to keep a LOG explaining how you spend each class period; these will be graded. A log must be submitted each week on the last day of class that week. The work must be completed by the deadline whether you work in class every day or not, and the responsibility is ultimately years.
  • It is generally not possible to complete all necessary work without spending some time outside of the class period. This outside class work is considered the same as homework. You can log in to edesign from home, but it is often problematic to get to the Y drive from home, so it is best to make sure all photos are uploaded to edesign in school. The classroom is available many afternoons after school until 4:00.
  • It is expected that after your initial training is complete, you will take responsibility to complete assigned tasks in a timely fashion and complete a spread contract that is worth as assessment grade. When working with a partner on a page or project, you are expected to share EQUALLY in the workload. Your grade will be lowered in you are not doing your share.