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Student Information
Mr. Warwick's Website 2018-2019
Student Informational Form for Accelerated PhysicsStudent Information Form for AP Physics
Mr. Warwick's Teaching Schedule in Room A32
Pd 01 Department Chair
Pd 02 Accelerated Physics
Pd 03 AP Physics C Mechanics & Electricity and Magnetism
Pd 04 Lunch
Pd 05-06 AP Physics C Mechanics & Electricity and Magnetism
Pd 07-08 Accelerated Physics
Pd 09 Prep
Mr. Warwick will be mailing all materials directly to students. These documents will include schedules, worksheets, solutions to HW, and any other materials needed for class.
If you need to contact Mr. Warwick, please email him at jwarwick@crsd.org. Phone calls will be returned if you call the Science and Mathematics Planning Center. Please leave message with secretary including name and phone number. I will return the call as soon as possible.
Mr. Joseph Warwick