Silimperi Brad Soc St
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Welcome Students, Parents, and Wrestlers!
Welcome to Mr. Silimperi's CR SOUTH website. The goal of this website is to provide visitors with information and communication services in either my classroom or in the sport of wrestling. This site can serve as a resource for information that we have gone over in the classroom or information that students missed when they have been absent. It acts as a great learning tool. For the wrestling community is also serves as a valuable place to access CR SOUTH wrestling information. From this site you will be able to access the following sections:
1. Advanced Placement Psychology
2. Intro to Psychology
3. CR SOUTH Golden Hawk Wrestling Contact me: Brad Silimperi Social Studies Department Asst. Coordinator AP & Intro to Psychology Teacher Head Wrestling Coach
3. CR SOUTH Golden Hawk Wrestling Contact me: Brad Silimperi Social Studies Department Asst. Coordinator AP & Intro to Psychology Teacher Head Wrestling Coach