Picardi Lisa English
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Ms. Picardi
lpicardi@crsd.org I welcome you to a brand new year in room #279 and #229 (Expository Writing). Whether you are joining me for AP Lit, English 11, or World Myth, I wish you a journey filled with excitement, opportunity and success. Your journey begins with your flexibility to move beyond your comfort zone while remaining in a space that is safe and engaging. I look forward to meeting you where you are and seeing how far you will go. Please log-in to Canvas to view specific information about your course. 2019-2020 School Year at a Glance: Period 2: Expository Writing in Lab 229 (Semester 1) World Myth in room 279 (Semester 2) Period 3: English 11 Inclusion with Ms. Hibbs in room 279 Period 4/5: English 11 Inclusion with Ms. Hibbs in room 279 Period 6/7: AP Lit in room 279 Clinic Hours: Tuesday and Thursday @ 2:15-3:00 in room 279; see me for additional times, as needed"It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts."
-Robert Schuller