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Mohl Megan Science

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Megan Mohl

Physical science 9 - Periods 1 (room A 37), 9 (room A 49)


INTERNAL LINK Mrs. Matthews's science 9 Webpage (HW, notes, study guides, etc)

Biology - Periods 2 (room A 46), 4-5 and 6-7 (room A 49)

bio syllabus

Clinic- Tuesday and Thursday from 2:20-3:00 in room A 49

Some Mondays and Wednesdays available by appointment (check with me FIRST!)

    For summer vacation this year, we went to Chicago. The Chicago Museum of Science and Industry has this wave generator:  
  Below is an image of 2 intersecting waves. The dark areas are destructive interference, and the lightest areas are constructive interference. See how that is also shown in the photo above? Destructive interference is responsible for the funciton of noise-canceling headphones and "Stealing" a person's jump on a trampoline. Image result for wave interference image courtesy              
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