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Phone: 215-944-1164
Degrees and Certifications:
BS Elementary and Special Education, Saint Joseph's University
M. Ed. Special Education, Arcadia University
Mrs. K. Korn
I am both a CR teacher and a CR parent. I have been teaching in Council Rock for 21 years having previously taught in Centennial School District. My 4 children attend district schools. I have taught in various different programs in the special education field throughout my career, from Emotional Support to Multiple Disabilities, to Life Skills and Learning Support and Emotional Support.
The most important aspect in any program or classroom is the students. In order for students to be successful, communication and collaboration are key components. Parents, Students, Teachers and other professional staff are all important members of the team to ensure student success. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns. kkorn@crsd.org
Students First, Always