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Foster Jayme Special Ed

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Welcome to Mrs. Foster's Class a bed.pdf of washing machine.pdf

iXL Website

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Scholastic News

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General Educational Resources

Has a variety of educational worksheets and online games at a variety of levels.


Museum Tours

Virtual Museum Tours – 

Take a virtual tour of some world famous museums including the Guggenheim Museum in New York and the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam


The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC – MET Kids

 Explore over 5,000 pieces of art in the MET collection from around the world, includes fun facts, project ideas and videos


Destination Modern Art – Museum of Modern Art Online – Explore modern works on display at the MOMA in NYC


Google Arts and Culture – Experience culture in 360 degrees, tour famous sites and landmarks, and explore high definition landmarks




Chrome Music Lab – Experiments with music and sound



Search for Liberty Kids.  Half hour cartoons focused on American History



Free account set up. Online games for English, Math and Science. K-6


Worksheet Works

Free sight to make printing and cursive practice sheets.

General Ideas

 - Watch a TV show and discuss/write a summary

 - Give an imaginary budget and let your student “shop” on amazon for a specific task/trip

 - Ask “wh” questions (Who, What, When, Where, Why) from a newspaper article that you read 


 - Have them do Daily Living Skills/Jobs (sort laundry, sort silverware, folding clothes/towels, 

   cooking, vacuuming, putting clothes away, setting a table, making a bed, hygiene, dressing)

-  Role play scenarios with your student that they might encounter in the community (i.e. having 

    to ask for directions, being unsure of what store to go to obtain a specific item

 - Playing a game: turn taking, waiting, sharing, accepting lose, following along, etc.




Degrees and Certifications: