About The Teacher
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Degrees and Certifications:
About the Teacher
Hello, and WELCOME to my webpage for Council Rock South! I have had the privilege of working as a teacher in Council Rock School District for 21 years! My education started at East Stroudsburg University where I earned my bachelor's degree and certifications in elementary and special education. Upon graduating, I started my career as a teacher in Sol Feinstone Elementary as a special education teacher while continuing my education at Arcadia University. I furthered my studies in educational technologies and acquired my certification in biology. I moved from the beloved Sol Feinstone Elementary school to the rigorous Council Rock High School, (back then there was only one high school). I was thrilled to work as a learning support teacher in the biology classrooms at Council Rock High School 'North'. When Council Rock South opened its doors in 2002, I was very proud to be amongst the first staff to welcome the students through the doors. Since that time I have served the students as a science teacher in both regular and special education settings. It is my goal to provide students with the most thorough and meaningful education. Being that science lends itself to hands on activities, inquiry based explorations, and thought provoking discussions, I feel fortunate to expose students to a curriculum that is all around them. -Biology is a natural science and focuses on the study of life and living organisms. The structure, function, growth, evolution, and classification of living things will be presented to help students understand their bodies and their relationship amongst all living things. -Physical Science is a science that focuses on theory and consists of many topics including chemistry and physics. The curriculum of physical science aims to develop student skills in chemistry and physics to develop an awareness of the world around them and how the things in it work. Personally, I am a dedicated wife of 15 years. My husband and I have four beautiful children, Michael, Delaney, Shawn, and Makayla. I have always enjoyed an active lifestyle that includes sports, travel, nature, and two dogs. I take my job rather seriously as preparing students for their future is a lofty task. At the same time, I am not shy to share a laugh with my students as there is so much in life worth smiling about! I hope you will recognize and respect the fact that I set high expectations for my students and require them to maintain a serious attitude and level of commitment throughout the year. Please know that I have my student's best interest at heart and will work tirelessly to provide each student with positive educational experiences that will promote a solid understanding of scientific concepts while encouraging life-long learning. Should there ever be a time when you need to speak to me, please do not hesitate to contact me using the contact information on this web page. “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”― William Arthur Ward “True teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross; then, having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create their
― Nikos Kazantzakis