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Fetter Jerry Science

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 Welcome to Mr. Fetter's Website!   alt-text Click the links on the left to find your classwork and homework information.   Notice to Parents/Guardians:  The Home Access Portal is open, so you can access your child's work.             District Assessment Policy:   Council Rock School District recognizes the need for regular student assessment.  Assessment can take many forms: class work, homework, reports, projects, student writing, student performance, quizzes, teacher developed tests, department/district tests, mid-term and final exams, and standardized tests.   Teachers will provide the opportunity to review assessments in a classroom setting. With the exception of District Assessments, students have the option of taking assessments home. In lieu of taking an assessment home, students may leave the assessment with the teacher for future use/reference.   District Assessments are defined as summative assessments that are collaboratively created and administered across schools. District Assessments are available for review at parent request.  These are the current District Assessments administered to students: mid-terms, finals, quarterlies/unit tests and elementary pre and post assessments. 

At the secondary level, the Home Access Center will indicate with an asterisk those District Assessments that will not go home. 

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