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NEW Electronic Physical Packet INFO

This message contains important information for students interested in participating in sports at Council Rock South in the Spring Season of 2024.  We are now using ATS, the on-line software program that allows students, parents, and coaches to log in check on the athletes file. Physical paperwork is only accepted online via the ATS Portal. Please do not hand any paperwork into a coach, teacher, counselor, or nurse.  Please also do not mail any paperwork to the school.  These will all not be accepted.  If you have to hand in Section 6, please hand it personally to the athletic trainer or someone in the athletic office. ****First time users can find a YouTube tutorial here ****Please be sure to view this tutorial prior to completing your portal.**** At the bottom of this message you should find your username and password.  Please click on the following link to login: For security reasons, all passwords were reset at the end of this sports season.  There is no longer one generic password for parents.  The GENERAL tab is for information about the STUDENT ATHLETE.  The emergency tab is where the parent information should be.  ****PLEASE NOTE**** We have tied the ATS system to the information that is in the HAC system.  The information will be updated nightly.  If you see information that is incorrect or out of date in ATS, DO NOT attempt to correct it in the ATS system, it will be overwritten during the update.  To correct information please log in to the HAC system ( and make updates there or contact Central Registration ( to make updates. This system allows the student to log in and request an evaluation appointment for an injury, or simply to report that they were injured.  This information will allow me to get in touch with them about these things. ***Please login and look around the system.  Their username is their CRSD student ID number, password is CRS_1, unless they have already changed it when completing the portal for a fall sport.  If the password has been changed already for a fall or winter sport, the default (CRS_1) will no longer work.  The NEW, CHANGED password must be used.  If this is the first time in ATS this school year, once you are in the system, you can change their password. To fill out the physical packet click on the “Forms” tab.  There are 5 forms that need to be completed and submitted. Appendix 1 PIAA SECTION 2: CERTIFICATION OF PARENT/GUARDIAN PIAA SECTION 3: UNDERSTANDING OF RISK OF CONCUSSION AND TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY PIAA SECTION 4: UNDERSTANDING OF SUDDEN CARDIAC ARREST SYMPTOMS AND WARNING SIGNS PIAA SECTION 5: HEALTH HISTORY Under the “eFiles” tab you will find PIAA Section 6.  Please print it out and take it to your physician.  If you have a scanner, you may upload the signed page directly into the athlete record. We DO NOT ACCEPT any other Physical Form other than the Section 6 – PIAA CIPPE Form that is located under the “efiles” tab.  Pennsylvania Department of Health School Physical Forms are NOT ACCEPTED. If your child is not due for a physical until after March 4, due to insurance reasons, please be aware that your child WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE until a physical form is completed and uploaded to ATS.  The PIAA and CRSD cannot allow any student to participate in ANY ACTIVITY until a valid, current physical is completed and on file.  All physicals completed for a 2022-2023 sport are no longer valid after June 1, 2023. PLEASE ENSURE ALL PHYSICAL FORMS ARE DATED BY THE MEDICAL PROVIDER! IF YOU TRIED OUT OR PARTICIPATED IN A FALL SPORT, ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS COMPLETE THE RECERTIFICATION-WINTER SPORTS FORM. Please do not include immunizations, allergy action plans, or other ancillary paperwork in the ATS portal.  All of these papers MUST go to the nurse’s office directly. ***Please note: many physicians wish to review Section 5 “Health History”, you should print a copy after you complete it to give to your physician at the physical.  Also once you upload the form it will show up on the uploaded, list but will not show as checked off under paperwork until myself or an athletic department representative visually verifies the page.*** Spring 2023-2024 Important Dates:  - June 1, 2023 is the earliest date an athlete can have a physical for the 2023-2024 school year.  - Monday February 26, 2020 is the Mandatory Concussion Education and ImPACT Testing deadline. Concussion Education is MANDATORY for all student athletes wishing to participate in a spring sport. Now completed online  ********All physicals must be turned in on or before Monday, February 26th, 2024. ******** PLEASE DO NOT CALL OR EMAIL TO CHECK THE STATUS OF THE FORM. SOMEONE WILL CONTACT YOU IF THERE IS AN ISSUE WITH YOUR CHILD’S PHYSICAL FORM.  WE ALSO DO NOT USE THE ‘CLEARED TO PLAY’ OR ‘VERIFIED’ TABS, SO DO NOT EXPECT THOSE TO BE CHECKED. If you have any problems please contact Abbie Predmore at Thank you! Abbie Predmore Council Rock High School South Head Athletic Trainer/ Assistant Athletic Director O: 215-944-1185