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Science NHS


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Faculty Advisor: Marissa Fuss

Requirements for Membership in the

Science National Honor Society

·      A member must be in their Junior or Senior year.

·      A member must have and maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average (unweighted).

·      A member must be enrolled in:

a) one honors or upper level science course prior to 11th grade (Honors Biology and/or Honors Chemistry)

b) one honors or upper level science course (Honors Physics and/or AP Environmental, and/or AP Biology and/or AP Chemistry and/or Honors Human Anatomy Physiology) in 11th grade

c) one honors or upper level science course (Honors Physics and/or AP Environmental, and/or AP Biology and/or AP Chemistry and/or Honors Human Anatomy Physiology and/or AP Physics 1, 2 and/or AP Physics 1) in 12th grade


·      A member must maintain a B+ (3.50) average (unweighted) across all science courses.

·      A member must abide by the school’s code of conduct.

·      Members are required to attend at least 4 meetings a school year.

·      Members must complete 4 hours of service per year to maintain their membership.

·      All members must attend four local chapter officer’s lecture annually. Also, regular members may give a lecture with the chapter advisor’s approval.

·      Future candidates must petition for membership in the Science National Honor Society by completing the proper form and returning it to the advisor.

·      A member may be dismissed if he/she violates the standards, obligations, or ideals of the Science National Honor Society.

  Science National Honor Society – Meetings

·      The chapter shall have regular meetings during the school year on days designated by the officers. Or upon necessity, on the call of the executive committee with the approval of the advisor.

·      The officers of this chapter shall be elected in May and assume responsibilities in June.

·      All meetings shall be open meetings and shall be held under the supervision of the advisor, or delegated representative.

·      Additional rules for the general operation of this chapter will be established by a majority vote of the general membership as by-laws.

·      This chapter shall determine one or more projects per year.

·      The purpose of the projects shall be to pursue the national objectives of the SNHS.

·      The chapter shall judge or host a local science fair contest and/or assist in the creation and/or maintenance of a science club, You Be the Chemist, and/or assist fellow students’ success in their science classes.