STARS Information
- All members of STARS must complete a minimum of 10 hours of service to get transcript credit for the club
- Any hours done beyond 10 hours go towards LINCS hours
- You must have 1 LINCS form (front and back):
- LINCS Approval (must be signed by Mrs. Korn)
- LINCS Verification (must be filled out every time you go for service and be signed by the teacher or advisor at the elementary/middle school at the end of your service). This can be handed in to one of the officers on the designated date at the end of the year or into the envelope outside of room 157.
- All members must find their own transportation to the school at which they are volunteering.
- If you are unable to make a scheduled time make sure you contact the teacher who is expecting you to inform them of your absence. THIS IS IMPERATIVE!
- It is important that you attend scheduled meetings, if you are unable to attend you must see one of the officers or advisor prior to the meeting time to get any information that you will miss.