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Reading Olympics


Reading Olympics  

Bucks County Reading Olympics Logo

Using a team format, the Reading Olympics program is designed to give students the chance to share with their friends and other voracious readers the challenge of growing the quantity of books they read as well as increasing their exposure to a variety of writing styles and topics.  Team members will read books from a prepared list, then discuss their interpretations and comprehension of what they have read.  The Reading Olympics program culminates in a special evening celebration where teams from across the county get to participate in questions about what they’ve read, and all participants receive a ribbon.

Meeting Dates:
(3rd Thursday of every month)
October 17th
November 21st
December 19th
January 16th
February 20th
March 20th

All meetings will be held in the library SGI room at 2:30 PM!
The Bucks County Reading Olympics events will be held on Monday, April 28th at New Hope-Solebury High School!
Advisor: Dr. (Rosenthal) McCowan in the library E-mail to be added to the Reading Olympics team
or visit to join our Canvas course!