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Article I: Name of Organization

Section 1. The name of this chapter shall be the Council Rock South Chapter of the National Honor Society.

Article II: Purpose

Section 1. The purpose of this chapter shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to promote worthy leadership, to encourage the development of character in the students of Council Rock High School South, to reward achievement along these lines, and to provide charitable service in order to establish and enrich the exemplary NHS reputation in the community.

Article III: Definition of Terms

The Following terms shall have the definitions set forth in this article:

- Board shall refer to the Council Rock Board of School Directors

- District shall refer to the Council Rock School District

-NHS Faculty Council shall refer to South faculty members, who have been appointed by principal

- Student Activity Accounts shall include the financial accounts of National Honor Society. Such accounts shall be separate from the District’s General Fund (Budget) Account.

- Organization shall refer to the group named in article I of these by-laws

- Members shall include all students (or other persons) who have complied with the regulations and limitations of Article IV.

- Majority of members shall refer to a majority of the members present at the time a vote is taken, unless expressly provided otherwise.

Article IV: Membership

- Membership in this chapter shall be based on scholarship, leadership, service and character.

- Membership in this chapter shall be known as active and graduate and honorary.

- To be eligible for election to membership in this chapter, the candidate must have been in attendance to this school for a period equivalent to one semester. Any bona fide transfer student may become a member.

- Active members will be selected during their junior and/or senior year, providing they meet the following required standards.

·          See the chart & explanation below for the academic & service requirements:

Class of:



Induction Year


Spring ’22


Fall ’23

*GPA & Course Work





**Service hours registered with LINCS and deadline






**In order to qualify for Spring Induction, a student must have completed a minimum of 45 LINCS hours by January 1 of the junior year and must register those hours with the LINCS office by one week after school reopens after winter break of that year.  In order to qualify for Fall Induction, a student must have completed a minimum of 50 LINCS by September 1 and register those hours with the LINCS office within 1 week of the opening of school.

·          Students must complete the NHS application packet which will be reviewed by the NHS Faculty Council

·          Faculty review of petitioning student’s integrity and character is part of the application process                         

-Those with acceptable petitions that pass the faculty screening will be invited to join the NHS.

-Petitions turned in after the deadline will not be accepted.

- The Faculty Council shall be selected by the principal in order to act as decision makers in areas where a hearing is requested.

- Any active member in his/her junior or senior year whose weighted grade point average falls below 3.95 shall be placed on probation for the interim of one marking period. Any marking period grade of D or F will also result in probationary status.

-Dismissal will result if:

-The weighted grade point average of a member remains below 3.95 for a second marking period     

                           -A second grade of D or F for a marking period. 

-A member deviates from a high standard of excellence in service, character, and leadership as stated on the signed NHS member petitions.

- A student violates the District Academic Integrity Policy

- Upon dismissal a hearing before the faculty council can be requested for extenuating circumstances.

- Every NHS member must sign a membership contract before induction.

Article V: Officers

- The officers of this chapter shall be President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Public Relations Officer, and Historian.

- Officers must be members of the organization.

- The election process shall be determined by the number of votes and points from teacher recommendations each potential officer receives. The recipient of the largest total of votes and teacher recommendation points will become the Chapter President. The recipient of the second highest total will be the Vice-President. The recipient of the third highest will be awarded the office of Secretary. The recipient of the fourth highest total will become the Treasurer; the fifth will be the Public Relations officer, and the sixth will be Historian.

- The Chapter President will help carry out the group’s objectives, serve as the official representative of the group, supervise the functioning of the elected officers, and carry the main responsibility for the smooth running of the meetings. The President will appoint necessary committees and delegate leadership responsibilities of service projects and activities. He/She will preside at the Induction ceremony and deliver a speech on Leadership. He/She will coordinate with other officers in determining which members are not fully participating and communicate with the advisor(s). He/She will develop the President’s notebook for future President.

- The Vice President will work closely with the president, assume the duties of president if necessary, check room use and reservations for the society’s meetings, coordinate the work of the committees, and work with the president to establish the calendar.  The Vice President will also work with the treasure regarding the budget, assist in agenda preparation, work to iron out arising conflicts between people, and monitor the tutoring program. The VP will deliver an Induction ceremony speech on either Character or Scholarship, and develop the Vice-President’s notebook for future Vice Presidents.

- The Secretary will work closely with all officers to help prepare and distribute the agenda for the business meeting, take roll of attendees at meetings, and keep the permanent record of attendance.  He/she will take minutes of the proceedings at all meetings and make sure that these are available for all members in a timely fashion. He/She will maintain the file of original agendas and minutes. He/She will deliver an Induction Ceremony speech on either Character or Scholarship.

- The Treasurer will keep accurate records of financial transactions and periodically report a summary of these at the meeting. He/She will work closely with the officers in preparing a workable calendar. He/she will be familiar with the school policies in regard to the use of student finances and explain them when necessary, authorize payment , review purchase order, deposit money quickly to prevent its accidental loss, check that all contracts are appropriately signed, and recommend fund raising activities and collect dues. He/she is responsible for maintaining accurate records of member’s activities.

- The Public Relations officer/Historian is responsible for the pictorial and written record of the highlights of the year. He/She will collect and bind all induction ceremony speeches for posterity; He/She will aid the secretary in press, publicity and photography tasks update the chapter History Album monthly and pass this on to the next historian.  He/She will create and maintain a pictorial history of the year. He/She will continue the current Webpage or create a new one for NHS-CRHS-South. He/she is also responsible for the operation of the meetings according to Robert’s rule of parliament. In addition, the Public Relations Officer/Historian will work closely with all officers to notify members of upcoming meetings and activities. He/She will type all the required letters for the president, vice-president and advisor(s). He/She will maintain all correspondence, clippings and relevant documents, names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mails. He/She will write the courtesy, thank you and congratulatory notes and produce a directory of members. He/She will deliver an Induction Ceremony speech on service. He/She will develop secretarial records and a notebook. He/She will work, also, act as Historian to make sure activities are reported to the press, and make sure that a photographer (camera) is present at every service event

- The executive committee shall have general charge over the meetings and the business of the chapter, but any member of the executive committee may be subject to the review of the chapter.

Article VI: Amendments

- All amendments to these by-laws shall be subject to the approval of the board.

- In the event of an impending dismissal from NHS, students have the privilege of presenting their case to the Faculty Council.

- In the event that this organization shall desire affiliation of association with any other group organization, such affiliation or association must be approved by the executive board.

- This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the chapter, provided the executive committee of the chapter and the executive board has approved the proposed amendment.

Article VII: Inactivity of the Organization

- The organization will be considered inactive when

- It has been dissolved according to these by-laws.

- It can no longer accomplish the purpose set forth in Article II- When there is no officer of the organization with the authority to act for the organization currently enrolled in the Council Rock School District. Authority to act for the organization shall include the authority to authorize the expenditure of the funds or the organization.

- The membership shall consist wholly of graduating senior class members at the close of the academic school year.

- Prior to becoming inactive, the organization shall liquidate the balance of funds of the organization. Upon liquidation the balance of funds shall be distributed only to one or more of the following organization or persons: Student Executive Board.  Such distribution shall be made not later than the close of the fiscal year in which an organization becomes inactive. If the organization fails to liquidate and distribute the balance of its funds within the above-mentioned time, the Board shall have the authority to liquidate all funds and distribute the same to one or more of the above mentioned organizations or persons. If for any reason, distribution cannot be made to one or more the above named organizations or persons, the Board may distribute the funds in any manner they may deem appropriate.

- Distribution shall be made only after payment of all outstanding debts and obligations; and when made by the organization itself, the appointed advisor(s) and the Building Principal must approve such distribution before made.

Article VIII: Dissolution

- The organization may not be voluntarily dissolved by a majority vote of the members at any meeting, whether or not such meeting was specifically called for that purpose. The high school principal, school district superintendent or the school board must mandate dissolution of this organization.

Article IX: Application of the District Policy Manual

- These by-laws and the organization are subject to all applicable sections and provisions of the Council Rock School District Policy Manual.

Articled X : Supervision

- The activities of this chapter shall be subject to the approval of the high school principal and /or advisor(s) of the chapter.

Article XI: Meetings

- The meetings of this chapter shall be held upon necessity, on the call of the executive committee with the approval of the advisor(s).

- The officers of this chapter shall be elected in April and assume responsibilities in May.

- All meetings shall be open meetings and shall be held under the supervision of the advisor(s), or delegated representative.

- This chapter shall conduct its meetings according to the Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised in all points not expressly provided for in the constitution of this chapter.

- Additional rules for the general operation of this chapter will be established by a majority vote of the general membership as by-laws.

Article XII: Ratification

- The constitution will go into effect when adopted by the majority vote of the general membership of the chapter, pending nation approval.